What To Drink With Sushi Non-Alcoholic? The Perfect Sushi Drinks

Drink With Sushi Non-Alcoholic - Sushi Drinks

Do you want to relish the savory, umami flavor of sushi with a drink but don’t want it alcoholic? Some non-alcoholic drinks pair so well with sushi that you don’t need to drink wine, beer, sake, or cocktails. So do you know what to drink with sushi non-alcoholic? You can try various beverages, such as green teas, soft drinks, mocktails, and fruity sparkly water. These drinks not only make your meal light and digestible but also cleanse the mouth and do not suppress the exotic umami flavor of sushi. So, try pairing a healthy and delicious drink with succulent sushi next time. The following are some tried and tested relishing non-alcoholic drinks.

Table of Contents:

  1. What To Drink With Sushi?
  2. What To Drink With Sushi Non-Alcoholic?
    1. Ginger Ale
    2. Green Tea
    3. Sencha
    4. Ginger Tea
    5. Genmaicha
    6. Matcha
    7. Non-Alcoholic Drinks
      1. Sweet Orange and Lemon Water
      2. Pomegranate and Black Currant
      3. Apple Raspberry Water
  3. Wrapping Up

What To Drink With Sushi?

If you want to experiment with non-alcoholic drinks and don’t know whether it will go well, follow the rules below to learn to complement the flavor of sushi with refreshing drinks.

  1. Ensure that your drink does not suppress the acidic, umami flavor of the sushi
  2. Pair it with a sweet, tangy drink if your sushi is spicy and hot. If you combine spicy sushi with a hot and sparkly beverage, it will burn your taste buds.
  3. If your drink has lemons, ensure that the acidic level matches the tanginess of the sushi meal. Highly acidic or zesty flavors can overpower the freshness of sushi seafood.
  4. Also, ensure that your drink is light and digestible enough to prevent the feeling of overeating. At the same time, your beverage should not be so heavy and fulfilling that it makes you bloated or nauseous.

What To Drink With Sushi Non-Alcoholic?

Here are some drinks you can pair up with sushi without worrying about the taste deterioration. These include carbonated drinks such as Ginger ale, green teas, and fruity sparkly waters. Moreover, these drinks are easy to prepare at home and comprise healthy condiments and fruits. The key ingredients are not only nutritious and refreshing but also are the best to ease digestion, so you don’t feel nauseous after eating too much sushi.

Ginger Ale

Ginger ale is the most refreshing and reinvigorating drink you can easily prepare at home. Moreover, the soft drink form of it is readily available at stores. The hero ingredient of this non-alcoholic beverage is ginger, which is added to sparkly or carbonated water and other secret condiments. At home, you can make and store the simple syrup comprising ginger, sugar, and water in the refrigerator for up to a month. For serving, combine the ginger ale syrup with lime juice, club soda, lemon slices, and salt. Serve this ultimate freshening beverage with sushi seasoned in lime, lemon, and pepper.

Green Tea

Green teas are the most common drink in Japan, served with sushi for non-alcoholics. Their green teas come in wide varieties with several special herbs, leaves, and condiments. Green teas made less sweet, umami, and piquant are preferentially relished since the aroma and flavors do not overpower the ultimate sushi tanginess.


Sencha is the most common tea in the land of the rising Sun; you may often find it accessible in raw dried leaves. It comes from Sun-grown plants, which is why these leaves are less sweet and umami. With no bursting aroma and flavor, Sencha tea remains the best to complement the sushi’s enriched tangy and umami savoriness.

Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is another great complimentary drink that is not only healthy but also flavorful. The key ingredient is the ginger root, combined with many other ingredients to boost its taste, such as cinnamon, turmeric, mint, lemon, and tea leaves. This herbal drink has many health benefits, making it an awesome non-alcoholic beverage to consume with sushi. Moreover, the spicy flavor of ginger blends well with the sweetness and savoriness of the sushi.


Japanese also love combining sushi with Genmaicha tea, a mixture of Sencha and roasted brown rice. Genmaicha tea, with its earthy, nutty, and mild taste, combines well with the sweet and umami savoriness of sushi. Therefore, you can have Genmaicha tea as the best non-alcoholic beverage.


The Japanese are also fond of the ground tea known as matcha. However, people don’t generally choose it because of its overpowering and astringent flavour that can suppress the ultimate umami flavor of sushi.

Non-Alcoholic Fruity Drinks

This category includes non-alcoholic fruity drinks that can be made frizzy by adding carbonated or sparkling water. You can make them homemade by taking the recipe from youtube. Nevertheless, market-bought options are equally nutritious and refreshing. When adding fruits to your drinks, ensure that your beverage does not get too sweet or acidic; try to balance the flavors to enjoy the original sushi savor.

Sweet Orange and Lemon Water

With its acidic zesty aroma and taste, the sweet orange and lemon drink is the best blend to relish the tanginess of the sushi seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil. What a heavenly combination!

Pomegranate and Black Currant

Pomegranate’s powerfully acidic flavour and the tartaric undertone of black currant combine to create a unique frizzy drink that is unmatched in its ability to balance the tanginess of the sushi.

Apple Raspberry Water

Apple raspberry water is another perfect drink that blends well with the sushi’s fleshy texture and umami flavor. The acidity of apples and berries compliments the tanginess of sushi meals. Moreover, it combines pleasingly with meaty or veggie-filled sushi. You can make it at home or can buy it from the supermarket.

Wrapping Up

Though many people are fond of consuming alcoholic drinks such as wine, beer, sake, and cocktails with sushi, some prefer non-alcoholic beverages for the added health benefits. These drinks include mocktails, soft drinks, green teas, herbal drinks, and fruity sparkly waters that pair well with the sweet and tangy flavor of the sushi. Nevertheless, ensure that your drinks do not overpower the aroma and flavor of the sushi. The above description explains the flavors of these non-alcoholic beverages and how they pair with the savoriness of sushi meals.

If you want to enjoy the real taste of Japanese foods visit Sanraku Japanese Restaurant

Sanraku Holiday Special 2022 – Sushi Tokujo Platter is Back!

A beautifully arranged platter of sushi featuring various types, including nigiri and maki, presented in front of a festive display with red poinsettias and a decorative tree at Sanraku Sushi restaurant.
Sushi Tokujo Platter
Enjoy your holidays with Sanraku Sushi Tokujo Platter!

Sanraku Sushi Tokujo Platter is back for a limited time!

This special menu includes;
- 2 Sushi Tokujo Sets
- 2 additional Ikura (salmon roe) Nigiri
- 2 Miso Soup

($120 Value)

* Pre online order only! Please chose your location and pickup date/time upon placing an order!

Limited availability! Order yours today!

Sushi is always better with delicious Sake!
You can also pre order our most popular sake, "Ohsyu no Ryu" with a special discounted price!!

A beautifully arranged sushi platter featuring various types of sushi, including nigiri and maki rolls, accompanied by a bowl of rice and three bottles of sake in the background. The presentation highlights traditional Japanese cuisine and dining culture.

How To Keep Sushi Fresh Overnight? Storage Tips And Conditions

Keep Sushi Fresh Overnight

There are many reasons why sushi is such an exotic Japanese delicacy, including its nutritional benefits, umami flavor, and tangy taste. It is prepared with either raw or cooked seafood and vegetables. Nevertheless, the original Japanese sushi is made with raw fish and shrimp, which is unquestionably delectable.

Though the rice vinegar used in the sushi recipe tends to preserve it, besides giving a hint of acidity and zesty flavor, sushi can easily go bad. It might be because of the raw or partially cooked seafood or the rice that contaminates quickly in the presence of moisture. Moreover, exposure to air can also deteriorate the quality and edibility of the sushi meal. So, are you concerned about how to keep sushi fresh overnight?

Table of Contents:

How to Keep Sushi Fresh Overnight?

Raw Sushi

Cooked Sushi

Store-Bought Sushi

Conditions to Consider to Keep Sushi Fresh Overnight





4 Rules to Keep Sushi Fresh Overnight

Fresh Ingredients

Clean cooking utensils

Prepare Fast

Store Properly

How to know if the sushi has gone bad?

How long does sushi last out?



How to Keep Sushi Fresh Overnight?

There’s not one word or phrase answer to the question, “how to keep sushi fresh overnight?” or “sushi should be stored at what temperature?” It is because the conditions or ways to keep sushi fresh, healthy, edible, and nutritious depend on the type of sushi you have. If you have sushi made with raw seafood, the storage conditions and duration differ from the methods of preserving a cooked sushi meal. Moreover, there are limited ways and short duration for keeping store-bought sushi fresh and good to consume.

Furthermore, the size and shape of the sushi and the ingredients included in the recipe affect the storage period and safe consumption window. To avoid rapid contamination and to keep sushi fresh overnight, repackage and store them appropriately.   For this purpose, wrap each sushi in a plastic food wrap or cling film sheet. You can also use aluminum foil for wrapping. Then put the pieces in a zip-lock bag or air-tight container. Finally, store them in the refrigerator safely for about two days. You can also cover the sushi with a damp kitchen towel before wrapping it in plastic wrap to prevent sushi from drying out.

Raw Sushi

You can safely store raw sushi at room temperature for about two to three hours, provided no air contaminants cause spoilage. In contrast, sushi remains edible and fresh in the refrigerator for about a day with no risk of food-borne diseases. For this safe storage and consumption, store the sushi appropriately according to the method described above.

Cooked Sushi

Sushi with cooked seafood and vegetables can stay fresh and healthy for about four hours at room temperature. Moreover, you can safely keep sushi for about two days in the refrigerator. Ensure that you preserve it well to avoid spoilage and drying out.

Store-Bought Sushi

Store-bought sushi is not safe to store and consume. It is because you don’t know how and when it is cooked. You can only keep it at room temperature for about an hour or two before you are ready to eat it. However, do not keep it the whole day in the fridge to consume the other day.

Conditions to Consider to Keep Sushi Fresh Overnight

Consider the below-mentioned conditions to keep sushi fresh overnight.


Ensure that the temperature of your refrigerator is chill enough to store foods like sushi. It is because cool temperatures slow down bacterial growth. If you intend to store your raw sushi for a day or two, cool the sushi pieces on an ice slab or ice cube tray if you intend to store your raw sushi for a day. Once they are slightly frozen or chilled, pack them according to the method described above and store them in the refrigerator. You can skip the icing step for cooked sushi with vegetables. Moreover, if you buy sushi from the supermarket, ensure it is safely stored in the chilled section.


Timing is a critical parameter when storing and keeping sushi fresh overnight. If you have prepared more sushi than is required at home, safely preserve it in the refrigerator without delay. It is because the more time it stays outside without any protection against air contaminants and moisture, it can become stale quickly, and you cannot keep it fresh for long. Moreover, if you buy sushi from the market, immediately store it in the fridge and take it out only when you want to eat it or serve it.


To keep your sushi fresh overnight, ensure it is not exposed to air and moisture. It is because moisture can promote bacterial growth and even cause food-borne diseases. Moreover, air contains many dust particles, allergies, and microbes that can cause spoilage of your food.


To keep your sushi lasting longer and fresh, ensure that it is prepared with great cleanliness. For this purpose, you should use clean, washed, and dirt-free utensils. Your kitchen countertop and the environment should also be neat and clean since any contaminant or microbial entry to the sushi meal can cause spoilage and deteriorate the quality. Moreover, if you are buying sushi from the store, ensure that the quality of the meal is good and everything is packaged consciously. If any sauce packet or cling-film wrap is torn or damaged, do not buy it.

4 Rules to Keep Homemade Sushi Fresh Overnight

The following are the rules to keep homemade sushi fresh and edible overnight.

Fresh Ingredients

Your ingredients to make sushi should be fresh. For this, buy fresh seafood from the supermarket or catch it yourself if it’s accessible. Then, precisely cut the fish and other seafood for added freshness. Sloppy or unprofessional cutting can cause bruising, promoting spoilage of the sushi. It is the reason why sushi is precisely cut and sliced by Chefs. Also, make sure that the condiments, spices, sauces, seasonings, and vegetables are fresh and of high quality. Furthermore, use high-quality nori sheets and sushi rice to make sushi last longer after preparation; prepare less early before serving.

Clean Cooking utensils

Again it’s crucial to keep your utensils, countertop, chopsticks, cutlery, and environment free from microbes and dirt to prepare high-quality sushi at homemade that can stay fresh for a day or two.

Prepare Fast

Work fast and prepare sushi quickly to avoid the entry of air pollutants and microbes. Also, wash your hands and wear gloves before handling sushi. The faster you make it, the fresher and more appetizing it will look. If you intend to eat the next morning, you can only prepare sushi rice, seasonings, and dressings. However, preserve the prepared items well and assemble sushi quickly before its time to consume it.

Store Properly

The most critical and significant rule is to store sushi properly if you want o consume it fresh and healthy after a day or two. For this purpose, refer to the above storage conditions and methods to keep raw or cooked sushi fresh.

How To Know If The Sushi Has Gone Bad?

You can easily tell if the sushi has gone bad. Smell the sushi for any pungent odors. Moreover, notice if the slimy texture is present. It is because rice, when gone bad, releases a slimy texture. Also, look for indications of mold growth or drastic appearance changes.


How Long Is Sushi Good For Unrefrigerated?

If you have stored sushi at room temperature, it can only remain good for about two hours, especially if it is raw. Nevertheless, suppose you are using cooked seafood and veggies in a sushi recipe. In that case, it can stay fresh for a relatively longer duration without a refrigerator, but that depends on the temperature of your region. Moreover, if you want your sushi to remain fresh and edible, try storing it in a refrigerator.

How Long Can Sushi Sit Out At Room Temperature?

As explained in the above answer, sushi can sit out at room temperature for about two hours if it is raw or longer if it’s cooked. However, do not put the store-bought sushi at room temperature since you don’t know when it has been prepared or under what conditions. You also don’t know how well it is preserved or packaged to avoid contamination. Anyhow, you can store the restaurant sushi in a fridge for about four hours.

How To Keep Sushi From Drying Out?

You can prevent sushi from drying out when it is stored at room temperature or in a refrigerator. For this purpose, take two kitchen towels and dampen them with water. Wring the towels to remove excess water and then fold the sushi in the damp towel. Afterward, wrap them in plastic food wrap and place them in a zip-lock bag or air-tight container. Label them with the date and time and safely store them in the refrigerator for about one to two days. Remember that prolonged storage duration can affect the quality, texture, and taste; however, sushi remains non-toxic and edible, provided no contamination has occurred.

Can You Keep Sushi In The Fridge Overnight?

Yes, you can keep sushi fresh in the fridge overnight and even for about two days. However, ensure that the sushi is properly stored and packed to avoid the entry of air that can expose sushi to various contaminants/germs. Moreover, use an air-tight container or zip-lock bag besides wrapping sushi in a plastic food wrap, especially if you have covered sushi in a damp towel, since dampness can favor bacterial growth.

How Long Does Sushi Last Out?

Sushi can last fresh, edible, and nutritious for about two hours at room temperature and about 48 hours in the refrigerator, provided you have preserved them accurately.


Sushi being a delicacy, should be consumed fresh. Nevertheless, when you accidentally prepare more sushi than is required, you must consume it another day rather than tossing it in a bin. Remember, waste not, want not! You only need to know how to keep sushi fresh overnight. Read the above description to know the storage method, conditions, and rules to make and keep sushi fresh, healthy, edible, and nutritious. Pay special attention to store-bought and raw sushi because of the high risk of spoilage. Lastly, ensure o consume sushi in a day or two for the best tangy and umami flavor and nutritiousness and to avoid food-borne diseases.

If you want to enjoy the real taste of Japanese foods visit Sanraku Japanese Restaurant

What To Serve With Tempura Shrimp? The Best Side Dishes And Sauces

What To Serve With Tempura Shrimp

Tempura shrimp is one of the most popular dishes in Japanese cuisine, which is equally relished around the Globe. In Japan, tempura shrimp is known as Ebiten, prepared by coating raw shrimp in a thin crispy batter and then frying to blazing perfection. This cooking method is known as Hanaage in the land of the rising Sun, where Hana means flower and age refers to deep-frying. The tempura batter is made with all-purpose flour, salt, pepper, baking powder, and ice-cold water.

Salt and pepper are used for seasoning, and the baking powder gives fluffiness to the crispy coat. In this way, the savoury coating and the sweetness of the shrimp combine heavenly to fulfil your appetite. For enhanced flavour and aroma, use fresh shrimp instead of frozen ones. But what to serve with tempura shrimp? Traditionally, it is served with boiled rice, soba noodles, and stir-fried veggies like daikon radish, carrots, and broccoli. Nevertheless, you can serve tempura shrimp with many side dishes and sauces. To know it all, read on.

Table of Contents:

  1. What Is Tempura Shrimp?
  2. How To Make Tempura Shrimp For Rice And Noodles?
    1. Tips To Make The Best Tempura Shrimp For Rice
  3. What To Serve With Tempura Shrimp?
    1. The Best Side Dishes
      1. Boiled Rice
      2. Fried Rice
      3. Boiled Soba Noodles
      4. Stir-Fried Vegetables
      5. Steamed Vegetables
      6. Salads
      7. Chicken Yakitori
    2. The Best Tempura Shrimp Sauces
      1. Tsuyu
      2. Cocktail Sauce
      3. Orange Chilli Sauce
      4. Soy Ginger Sauce
      5. Thai Dipping Sauce
      6. Honey Mustard Sauce
  4. Conclusion

What Is Tempura Shrimp?

The term tempura is a Japanese word used to refer to seafood or vegetables prepared by dipping them in a batter and deep frying them in hot oil. Tempura shrimp is a delectable dish in Japanese cuisine made by frying sweet and savoury shrimp with crispy batter and crumbs. Even though it is a dish of great perfection and exquisite flavours, it could get boring if you consume it the same way every time. Therefore, we have summarized some side dishes and sauces to answer the common query, “what to serve with tempura shrimp?”

How To Make Tempura Shrimp For Rice And Noodles?

Here’s a quick recipe to make tempura shrimp for rice and noodles.

What You’ll Need

  • Shrimp (as many as you need)
  • All-purpose flour
  • Eggs (quantity depends on the number of shrimp)
  • Ice-cold Water
  • Vegetable Oil

How To Do It

  • For mess-free work, gather all ingredients and required kitchen supplies.
  • Wash the shrimp thoroughly and remove the heads, shells, and veins but leave the tails on
  • Make short, equidistant cuts along the length of the shrimp to straighten it.
  • Pat dry the shrimp using a kitchen paper towel.
  • Take a bowl and beat eggs in it. Then, add all-purpose flour (sifted to avoid lumps), baking powder, salt, and ice-cold water to make fluffy, savoury tempura batter.
  • Then, take a deep pan and add enough oil to deep fry the shrimp.
  • Heat the oil to 350 degrees Fahrenheit or 176 degrees Celcius.
  • Lightly coat the shrimp in the flour and then dip each in the liquid batter.
  • Pick them from the tail side, and deep fry them to golden brown crisp
  • Boil the rice or soba noodles according to the labelled method.
  • Prepare traditional tempura shrimp sauce using soy sauce, ginger, honey, brown sugar, olive oil, sesame seeds, or any specific taste enhancer such as mustard.
  • Stir fry your favourite vegetables, present and serve the succulent tempura shrimp hot

Tips To Make The Best Tempura Shrimp For Rice

Follow the below tips to make the exquisitely delicious tempura shrimp. The best tempura shrimp are crispy outside and juicy inside with a light and savoury coating that blends perfectly with the sweetness of the protein.

  1. Ensure that you use ice-cold water to make a light batter
  2. Do not overmix or whisk the tempura batter or avoid preparing it too early, or the batter will become heavy
  3. Use chopsticks to blend eggs and flour and to fold in more air for the light and crispy batter
  4. Pat dry the shrimp properly to adhere the batter well
  5. Ensure that the oil is adequately hot; if the oil temperature is less warm, tempura batter will absorb oil and become heavily greasy.

What To Serve With Tempura Shrimp?

Tempura shrimp is a light and appetizing meal; that’s why to enhance its satiety value, it is served with many side dishes. The side dishes must also be light main courses or partial filling sides. The following are the best side dishes and sauces you can serve with tempura shrimp to add to its exquisite flavour and filling value.

The Best Side Dishes

Different countries serve different meals with tempura shrimp. Here are some dishes below that are enjoyed in almost every region of the World.

Boiled Curried Rice

It is an Asian dish which is now quite popular in American and European localities due to its earthy flavor, exotic aroma, and ease of preparation. It’s a dish that you can cook from scratch, even with leftovers. For this light and delectable meal, boil the rice according to the labelled method. Then, prepare Asian or Japanese curry with aromatic spices and herbs such as turmeric, curry leaves, red chillies, cumin, and ginger. Lastly, cook tempura shrimp according to the above method and serve them with this mouth-watering curried rice.

Fried Rice

What’s even more appealing and appetizing than curried rice? Surely, the fried rice. You can prepare fried rice from the leftover boiled rice by merely tossing them in butter and adding stir-fried veggies in just 15  minutes. Moreover, you can also prepare a curry to serve with fried rice and tempura shrimp.

Boiled Soba Noodles

Soba Noodles are the typical Japanese food element with an enriching earthy flavor that combines well with sweet and sour tempura shrimp. These are made of buckwheat, so people with a gluten allergy can also consume them happily. Moreover, you can serve hot or cold soba noodles, but serving them with tempura shrimp requires slightly warm noodles. You can easily prepare them in minutes since the process only requires boiling. In addition, adding boiled or fried eggs with chilli sauce can make a perfectly cooked Japanese dish.

Stir-Fried Vegetables

Stir-fried vegetables are enjoyed in every country; however, the preparation method varies from region to region. You can simply soak the veggies of your choice in vinegar and green chillies to add to the spicy and tangy flavor. Then, stir-fry them till they become tender but with a crunchy texture. For an original recipe of tempura shrimp with stir-fried vegetables, you can prepare veggies by adding mirin, soy sauce, oil, and rice vinegar for an earthy and tangy flavor.

Steamed Vegetables

You can try steamed vegetables if you don’t want to consume fatty acids and want a healthier alternative to serving with tempura shrimp. For this side dish, wash and cut vegetables of your choice. Take a pan and steamer basket. Coat vegetables with salt, pepper, and cilantro and add them to the steamer basket over the water pan to create steam. Moreover, it will only take twenty minutes to cook steamed vegetables to serve with tempura shrimp.


There are a variety of salads you can serve with tempura shrimp for a refreshing start to your meals. The meal is a light side dish you can serve before the main course. You can try a crisp salad with crispy-leaf veggies such as icebergs, celery, carrots, scallions,  and radish. Add an earthy and tangy dressing to compliment the tempura shrimp’s sweet and umami flavor. You can make the traditional Japanese dressing with rice vinegar, soy sauce, brown sugar, and sesame seeds. Moreover, for an acidic and zesty flavor, you can make salad dressing with white vinegar, lemon juice, lemon zest, and olive oil- the special Turkish salad dressing.

Chicken Yakitori

Chicken Yakitori is again a popular Japanese dish that is traditionally served with tempura shrimp- the popular nosh of the land of the rising Sun. Moreover, it’s best to prepare for the BBQ on summer nights since the meal is light and healthy. It takes only half an hour to make Chicken Yakitori. For the ultimate umami flavour, take chicken breast cubes and marinate them with vinegar, soy sauce, brown sugar, ginger, and garlic. Then, skewer them and grill them on a BBQ tray. You can also make fried or boiled rice with chicken Yakitori and tempura shrimp to convert this side dish into a main course meal.

The Best Tempura Shrimp Sauces

Do you want to eat tempura shrimp with something else that adds to its satiety, value and flavor? How about trying different sauces that go well with tempura shrimp? Here are some enlisted below.


Tusuyu sauce is a popular dipping sauce used to serve various Japanese meals, including tempura shrimp. Though making it is intricate, its taste makes the meals super tangy and umami. It is made with soy sauce, dried kelp, and rice wine.

Cocktail Sauce

Cocktail sauce is best enjoyed with tempura shrimp alone. It is prepared with ketchup, tabasco sauce, Worcestershire sauce, horseradish, lemon juice, and zest.

Orange Chilli Sauce

Orange chilli sauce goes well with tempura shrimp, especially at beach parties. For this recipe, add orange juice, rice vinegar, brown sugar, soy sauce, ginger, garlic, and chilli flakes together in a pan. Heat it for about three minutes. Then, add cornstarch paste to get the required consistency. Dip it over hot tempura shrimp and enjoy the tangy, spicy, and umami flavor.

Soy Ginger Sauce

Add soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, brown sugar, and sesame oil in a pan for the traditional Japanese soy ginger sauce. Then, add minced garlic, chopped green onions, and grated ginger to fire up the tangy, savory taste.

Thai Dipping Sauce

The Thai dipping sauce has a great umami flavor that combines well with sweet and zesty tempura shrimp. Add lime juice, fish sauce, brown sugar, red chillies, green chillies, cilantro, shallots, garlic, and water for this recipe. Combine all ingredients and let them sit for an hour to get the enriched flavor out of the ingredients.

Honey Mustard Sauce

If you want to enjoy tempura shrimp alone and want a maximum satiety value, try the honey mustard sauce that’s quite easy to prepare. Combine mayonnaise, white vinegar, honey, dijon mustard, and a pinch of cayenne pepper.


Tempura shrimp is a popular Japanese dish celebrated and relished around the Globe. Since it is a light meal with a less satiety value, it is served as an appetizer. Nevertheless, combining many side dishes and mouth-watering heavy sauces can increase its filling value. The best-served are Japanese sidedishes since they best complement the sweet, tangy, and umami flavor of tempura shrimp.

However, you can also prepare meals popular in your locality but ensure that the taste of shrimp blends well with the spices and condiments you add. Furthermore, people love curried rice, fried rice, and soba noodles with tempura shrimp. Among sauces, honey mustard, orange chilli, ginger sesame, and Thai dipping sauce are the most delectable and palatable. Try the above sides, salads and dressings.

If you want to enjoy the real taste of Japanese foods visit Sanraku Japanese Restaurant